A reader asked for figures today on local youth and education, recalling past postings here. After yesterday’s impressive rally organized and led by Binghamton High School students we might ask again:
For Binghamton:
- Why are Black students in the Binghamton school district suspended at a rate 2 ½ times more than white students?
- Why do we have a 26% drop rate for Black students at Binghamton High School?
- Why is the Black drop out rate 50% higher than the white rate?
For Broome County, Black youth are 10 % of local youth. Why are they:
- over 40 percent of those classified as Juvenile Offenders?
- over 40% of the youth surveilled by family court?
- almost 50 % of the youth tied to probation?
The end result: a county incarceration rate for Black residents over 2,000 per 100,000 (vs. 270 for whites).
From The Binghamton School to Prison Pipeline (January 2019)
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